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Eve Air Mobility - eVTOL Electric flying vehicle

EVE Electric flying vehicle

Meet our eVTOL

Our eVTOL is 100% electric and its human-centered design ensures the safety, accessibility and comfort of passengers, the pilot and the community by minimizing noise. It will be piloted at launch but ready for uncrewed operations in the future.

Its development prioritizes the most appropriate characteristics to be the right vehicle for a variety of urban mobility missions. Among the most attention-grabbing features are its eight rotors. The reason for this is simple and fundamental: safety. Multiple rotors make our eVTOL more robust and capable of handling a variety of conditions.

Another important performance feature of the vehicle is its lift + cruise configuration: the aircraft has dedicated rotors for vertical flight and fixed wings to fly on cruise, with no components required to change position during flight.

Combining conventional fixed wings with rotors and pushers allows a practical and intuitive lift + cruise design, which favors safety, efficiency, reliability, and certifiability. With a range of 60 miles (100 km), our eVTOL offers a sustainable commute and reduced noise footprint, with substantial noise reduction during cruise.

EVE Electric flying vehicle


Beyond the eVTOL's development, we are creating the services, operations and air traffic management for the whole ecosystem, combining Eve's human-centric design with Embraer's 50-year history of engineering expertise and a global partner network.


Our eVTOL is 100% electric and its human-centric design ensures the safety, accessibility and comfort of both passengers and the community by minimizing noise. It will be piloted at launch but ready for autonomous operations in the future.


We are developing a complete Services Portfolio to eVTOLs operations with a global coverage and local presence including Materials Solutions, Maintenance Services, Training among other services to ensure maximum availability and the lowest


We can cntribute with Operations Solutions for your eVTOL management and operations to support passenger services, flight operations manuals/systems and network integration to strengthen operator performance and help to deploy their infrastructure and capabilities.


We are developing a collection of systems, services and technologies, to support the integrated operation of all types of urban air mobility (UAM) aircraft in low-level airspace alongside existing and emerging airspace users.

A spacious and comfortable cabin

Eve's eVTOL carries four passengers plus the pilot, and when the uncrewed flight is certified, it will take up to six passengers. In addition, each passenger will be able to carry a standard carry-on bag, the same size and type accepted by airlines. Our aircraft is also prepared to accommodate folded wheelchairs.

EVE Electric flying vehicle

EVE Electric flying vehicle

EVE Electric flying vehicle

Oração à São Miguel Arcanjo
“São Miguel Arcanjo, defendei-nos no combate, sede o nosso refúgio contra as maldades e ciladas do demônio. Ordene-lhe Deus, instantemente o pedimos, e vós, príncipe da milícia celeste, pela virtude divina, precipitai no inferno a satanás e aos outros espíritos malignos, que andam pelo mundo para perder as almas. Amém!”

Oração à São José:
Amado São José, vós que fostes instrumento da Providência Divina na Família de Nazaré, na Igreja e para com vossos irmãos, fixai nossos olhos nas coisas que não passam e dai-nos a graça de ordenar nossas vidas para os tesouros do céu. Amém! (em seguida, reza-se um Pai-nosso, uma Ave Maria, um Glória)
Glorioso São José, que fostes modelo de vivência da pobreza, da sobriedade, de instrumento da Divina Providência; vós que não detivestes para vós mesmo nenhum bem material ou espiritual, destinando-os sempre às necessidades de Jesus, de Maria e dos vossos irmãos; vós que, por graça divina, vistes restaurada em vós a vocação original do homem à caridade, trabalho, partilha e comunhão; vós que, inspirado pelo Espírito Santo, acolhestes a nova economia do Reino do vosso Filho Jesus, intercedei para que acolhamos o mesmo convite que vos fez o Pai de ser instrumentos de Sua Paz, de Sua Providência, de Sua Caridade, de Sua Pobreza para o homem de hoje. Amém